
Electronics and Engineering Workshops: We hosted sixty-four (64) elementary students this year as part of the educational component of CASA. In the workshops the students are offered an overview presentation “What is Electrical Engineering?”, “How can Engineering help People" and “Basics of Electrical Circuits?”. They then proceed to build electronic circuits and see demonstrations on robotics and radars.

Also as part of the educational component we created our CASA Reading Book Club in which students are encourage to read and share their reviews about non-technical books that help them develop professionally. The chosen books include topics such as: effective speaking in public, communications skills, enhancing networking skills, awareness on world social-political issues, and controlling stress.

Last October of 2003, The first Educational Component CASA activity in contribution with the CENSSIS component of Education and Research. In the same students of sixth degree of the local school (SESO) received intructions of how arming a circuit. This activity was carried out in the Laboratory of CLIMMATE of the Department of Electric and Computers of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus.