Casa 08
Pictures from activities during year 2008 including the setting up of the new CASA balloon that will aid in the calibration of PR1 radar
Casa 07
1-day Workshop on July 7 2007 for 87 K-12 science teachers from all over the island. Several conferences were offered. More info at http://casa.ece.uprm.edu/summerprogram.html
Casa Welcome ECE 07
PR1 Radar March 07
These are the first measurements with the radar on top of the Stefani Building at UPRM, Mayaguez.
Inmaculada Visit 06
Visit from middle school students from Inmaculada School at Mayaguez.
PR1 Radar March 06
The radar PR1 was set up on top of a tower on the roof of Electrical and Computer Engineering Building, Stefani, at Mayaguez Campus, UPRM.
Weather Prediction Conference 06
UPRM CASA students attended the Weather Prediction Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, organized by Ada Monzón, chief meteorologist of Univision, TV channel, PR.
Cerro Las Mesas 05
Evaluation of a third site for the installation of an additional STB CASA radar.
Ada Rachel Talk 05
Univision Meteorologist, Ada Monzón and NWS Meteorologist, Rachel Gross visited UPRM to offer conferences about weather detection and hurricane season on the island.
Pre Engineerig Program 04
CASA participated in UPRM Pre-Engineering Program, offering workshops about engineering, electronics, radars and hands on activities. The concept of the DCAS radars is explained and the students assemble electronic circuits, the favorite one being the electronic piano.
Seso Weather Station A CASA team of students and professors visited the SESO School at Mayaguez to install a weather station that was part of the CASA WeatherRATS teacher program in MA, CO, OK, AZ, and PR. The weather data including air temperature, wind, pressure is available online for class monitoring and integration into the curriculum. http://weatherrats.cs.umass.edu/